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Durga Puja Brochure - ঐকতান

Similar to prior years, we will be publishing our Annual Brochure, ঐকতান (Aikotaan), during Durga Puja. As a part of this process, we are inviting the following that you may want to include / share in our Annual Brochure:

• sponsorship / advertisement (for more details, please click here)
• creative reflections such as articles and art works (please see the template for submission guidelines here)
• life changing events and key milestones which includes family additions, graduations, marriages, wedding anniversaries (25 years or more, in multiples of five such as 25, 30, 35, 40 etc.) and obituary

Submissions must be received on or before Tuesday, September 5, 2017 for final publication. We cannot guarantee inclusion of any submissions that do not follow guidelines or do not meet the deadline. 

For any questions, please contact us using the web form below.

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Email *




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